Now that I have spent basically 3 weeks staying in hostels (I guess it's not that long but it feels like me) I feel that it's time to make some broad generalizations about some characters I met over..and over... Don't be fooled the majority of people I meet are amazing and so cool. Some are...not so amazing. But still good for a laugh :)
"it's all about me"
This person somehow did not get the memo that multiple people are sleeping (or were sleeping before you turned on the light, started playing music and getting ready for your big night on the town at 11:30pm). Or maybe they got the memo and just disregarded it... Whatever the reason, this person acts like a total jerk... And there is no stoping the behavior. Hints like "please turn out the lights" and "I am sleeping" usually are met with "I don't speak English." Really? Because you did an hour ago when you were hitting on me. I hate you.
"the nudist"
Even odder then the "it's all about me"-er is the person who thinks that for some unexplainable, incomprehensible reason it's okay to walk about the hostel room nude. What?! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD COVER UP!!! I know this is Europe but I don't think that's normal. Some clothes, please!! Please please please!!!
"au natural"
No shoes? No shower? No problem. While I have much love for those who choose to embrace mother earth in ways I never could-like by giving up soap for example. (I'm from Portland, after all!) I don't want to smell you. It's not personal ...except maybe it is. I dont want to be able to smell your person when I have to sleep 4 feet away from you. A clean person is a happy person, and makes for even happier hostel mates!!
"the slammer"
Somehow anything that can be slammed at 2am, will be slammed. How how how is it possible that you make a loud noise with every single item in your bag?! Crinkle, crinkle, crack, slam, would be your theme music if your life had a movie soundtrack! I would be impressed if I wasnt trying to sleep.
"the thief"
Not only stealing belongings- I was lucky enough to not have anything major stolen, but I am super neurotically careful- however I did have a pair of shoes get stolen (while I was sleeping, no less!): nikes size 6, anyone?! (for the record: I'm not upset about it right now, but I will be when I am tromping thru the snow in Germany in my toms-the only other pair of shoes I have.) But moving on... besides belonging theft, people that steal beds really are annoying. Even though hostel beds are assigned, I've found that it's more of a first come first serve free for all...and I somehow always end up with the short stick (bed near the door, bathroom, top bunk, near hallway, etc) even if I was assigned a much better bed. I wish people would just take their assigned bed! This is the rule follower in me (thanks mom!).
"the couple"
Since I somehow ended up saying primarily in mixed dorms (ugh, would not recommend if you can avoid it. Why I ended up staying in them is another story though.) I was lucky enough to be exposed to couples also in the mixed room. Aww how sweet. NO! Not when they cuddle up on a bed above you and (I'm pretty sure) have sex. AWKWARD. And that is why I don't reccomend mixed dorms.
"the know it all"
"You're going to Marrakech ...why?! That's sooo touristy. It's fine if you don't want a real Moroccan experience..." "you're going to the lourve? I prefer more off beat museums, but I'm sure you'll like the lourve..." "trains are for people who have money, I prefer to travel with the real working people on buses..." all real comments that have been made to me! Seriously, nothing is more annoying then people who think your travel experience is somehow not as good as theirs or try to insinuate that the way you're traveling is "wrong." Highly aggravating.
I want to end this by saying there are lots of great hostel types, and some of the best travel times I have had have been just hanging out talking to other travelers. Some of my favorite positive gerenalizations are:
"the 5 minute friend"
You're going there? I'm going there! Let's go together! Let's be friends. Viola! New friend. So simple, I adore it.
"the experience sharer"
Different from the "know it all" because they're not a total jerk, always ready to talk about cool things, places and people without judgment on your own travel experience. So fun to compare places and feelings about places with other people-and get ideas for new things to do.
"the great roommate"
I say hello, you say hello, we exchange pleasentries, you don't wake me up at 3am when you stumble in drunk... oh, a considerate human being. You outnumber the annoying people 5 to 1, thankfully... thank you normal roommate for restoring my faith in humanity.
love this