Lauren and I continued our Sunday tradition of trying to find the most hipster place to eat brunch in Portland. She picked the last two places with a 50% success rate (on food, not hipster-ness), so this time it was my turn :) My pick- Pine State Biscuits- is actually so hipster and Portland popular (for good reason it's delicious) we decided the line was too long and went to another place instead, which ended up being a vegan restaurant...which I think means it was probably the winning restaurant. (But maybe not, there is more summer to go.) Lauren tried to ask for bacon, & our waiter looked at her like she was stupid. She got a vegan sausage instead that she said was awful, but I was not brave enough to try.
Lauren is getting her PhD in History and we always have totally normal brunch conversations like 'would you rather live in Germany or the USSR during WW2' that I am pretty sure make people that overhear us think we are crazy. But I was a history undergrad & almost went for my masters so I love to talk history, and obviously Lauren does too, so we make perfect brunch companions.

After we hung around looking in little shops, then went to a movie. I won't say what one, Lauren & I made a pact not to tell :)

After dinner with my parents, we celebrated (VERY belatedly) my Dad's 50th birthday with a cake made by my Mom :)
Today is Taryn's 2nd birthday. It doesn't seem really right that she is TWO. I remember when Keri was pregnant & after Taryn was born I went and saw her in the hospital when she was a day old. She is really the first baby I have seen grow up like that. I love her to death, she's so cute and adorable. Being an "aunt" is so fun, I get to spoil her then give her right back to her Mom!

My Mom and I gave her books, books & more books...and the crown of course. No one can have too many books, or princess crowns! :)
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