September 14th
The first Friday of every month is "Ladies Nights Out" in my little town. So last Friday my fellow new teacher friends & I (+ my Aunt) went to check it out. It's so cute... all the local places that participate (basically all of them), have pink balloons out in front.
We ended up at the local Mexican place for dinner... which was amazing. And the waitress was (of course) the Mom of one of my students.
After Elaine and Phoebe headed to Vancouver Zina and I headed to the local 24 hour super market for some snacks.
Oh and Zina is amazing, and here is the proof...

September 15th
We decided to spend our weekend canning. So Zina, my Mom & I went off to my favorite produce store, The Barn.
I am sad summer is pretty much over ... but I do love fall.
We ended up canning 3 dozen pickles! Bread & butter, my favorite :) I can't wait to eat them all winter long!
September 16th
Sunday we went jet skiing. We have 2 stand up jet skis and have been taking them out as much as possible before it gets cold. It was a PERFECT day. The water was so smooth & there was no one on the river.
I was even able to see my favorite baby in the world.
& after a long day, I went to dinner with my parents.
September 17th
Elaine (another new teacher at the local elementary school) and I have been trying to make it over to Backwoods Brewery in the next town over for awhile. We finally made it on Monday.
Naturally our waitress was actually a teacher from Elaine's school. That's a good/bad thing about a small town, no matter where I go I feel like I ALWAYS see someone I know.
The pizza was amazing. The brewery was right in the middle of a farm. More and more I love rural life (sometimes).
September 21st
I have been meaning to go to one of my school's football games for weeks... this Friday I was able to drag Phoebe & Elaine with me. We didn't even stay to half time, but it was still fun.
September 22nd
I went with my Mom & Dad to the farmers market this morning... today is also their 28th wedding anniversary.
& that is how I have been spending my weekends lately :)
I feel so lucky to have such a great life.
We ended up at the local Mexican place for dinner... which was amazing. And the waitress was (of course) the Mom of one of my students.
After Elaine and Phoebe headed to Vancouver Zina and I headed to the local 24 hour super market for some snacks.
Oh and Zina is amazing, and here is the proof...
September 15th
We decided to spend our weekend canning. So Zina, my Mom & I went off to my favorite produce store, The Barn.
I am sad summer is pretty much over ... but I do love fall.
We ended up canning 3 dozen pickles! Bread & butter, my favorite :) I can't wait to eat them all winter long!
September 16th
I was even able to see my favorite baby in the world.
& after a long day, I went to dinner with my parents.
September 17th
Naturally our waitress was actually a teacher from Elaine's school. That's a good/bad thing about a small town, no matter where I go I feel like I ALWAYS see someone I know.
The pizza was amazing. The brewery was right in the middle of a farm. More and more I love rural life (sometimes).
September 21st
I have been meaning to go to one of my school's football games for weeks... this Friday I was able to drag Phoebe & Elaine with me. We didn't even stay to half time, but it was still fun.
September 22nd
I went with my Mom & Dad to the farmers market this morning... today is also their 28th wedding anniversary.
& that is how I have been spending my weekends lately :)
♥ ♥ ♥
Tonight I am watching Netflix and eating pizza alone, and I could not be more thrilled. More and more I feel so happy and content with my life. My job is fun and I enjoy the people I work with & my students. I have a great family and amazing friends. I love my little town... far enough away that I can say I live rural... close enough that I can come home whenever I want. The best of both worlds.I feel so lucky to have such a great life.
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