I'm at my parents for the long weekend (no school Monday, YAY) and I decided to share more pictures of the Marshall Islands. I came home a year ago this weekend. I thought I would be so depressed this weekend thinking about it. But more & more I am coming to terms with this happy/sad time and realizing that everything happens for a reason.
Here are some of my very favorite pictures-
This picture was in the paper! Even on my tiny island people would come & tell me that they had seen the picture in the Marshall Islands Journal.
Last October, I spent a weekend on the Army base with my friend, Joseph, and his family (his parents both worked there as well) in what is essentially and American town on this tiny island in the Pacific. The tiny plane that took us back and forth made me want to vomit. But looking out the window made it worth it. Flying over tiny uninhabited islands....
& more pictures of my adorable former students/family-
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