March 1st- Warhorse

Posted on 3/04/2013

My Mom & I got tickets through my Dad's BFF to see the play Warhorse a few months ago. I had never heard of it, but I figured.... how bad could it be? So off we headed to the play. I don't want to say it was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life- because I have seem some really bad high school productions- but it was certainly the worst play I have ever seen that GOT A STANDING OVATION. I was so confused when I woke up from my little nap, and everyone was standing up clapping! 
I have heard it was a good book & movie, but this play was just so wrong in so many ways. I honestly cared about nothing in it, and even the cool technical horse stuff (it was all puppets) was boring after about 20 minutes. Maybe I am not "cultured" enough to appreciate it, but that's fine with me.

The bright spot was that my Mom and I mocked it for the rest of the weekend (calling each other by blowing a whistle... bwahaha) and it was amazing, because we kept seeing horse stuff all weekend long! So it wasn't a total loss. Good mother/daughter time. 

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