Right after I got back from Glacier, I left for Joseph, Oregon with my parents to go to Chief Joseph Days. My Dad's family has gone up every year for YEARS- seriously my grandma Colleen (I guess she is really my great aunt, but I call her Grandma), has gone up 51 out of the last 55 years! Isn't that crazy?! I think it's awesome... her kids/grandkids always go up this week to spend time together. I love that they have that tradition, I wish I had that with some of my family...maybe we need to start :)
The first night we stayed at my Grandma's in LaGrande, and went to pizza. We talked about how much we missed my brother....
^ this pizza was SO good!!!!!!
We set up a tent in the back yard- they have a small three bedroom house (and only 1 bathroom) that in no way would fit the 26 people that were there. So there were about four tents out back to house people as well. My mom and I slept in the tent, and my Dad slept on the porch.
Friday night we went to the rodeo :)
It was really fun! When the rodeo was almost over, someone behind the grand stands got pepper sprayed, and the pepper spray wafted into the stands... it was AWFUL. Overall the rodeo was amazing though.
Saturday we went to the parade, and when I came out my Mom was with a dog someone had asked her to hold! :) My Mom isn't exactly a "dog person", it was really cute.
After the rodeo my Mom and I spent some time walking around the cute little town.
It was a really good, fun weekend with family we don't see enough! I totally want to go back next year.
I'm so jealous, Joseph is a cute little town and I love love love the Wallowas. Such a pretty part of the world. Snooki is saving herself for cowboy.