August 2013

Posted on 9/02/2013

August FLEW BY. I was crazy busy- even though I didn't even leave the Portland area once. Here is a quick run down of what I have been up to lately-

I was so excited when the brand behind Kate MIddleton's engagement photo dress got with Banana Republic to make a collection. I haddddd to have the dress. & I got it....victory. I have yet to wear it, but I don't even care. It's gorgeous. And I think I can rock it to work. I drug along my friend Aireanne, who got the same dress, too! If nothing else I think I have a great Halloween costume :)

^ it's just insanely flattering on everyone.  Love. 

I agonized over the deciding to move, or stay in the country house. Ultimately,  I decided to move.... which meant I had to pack, which sucks. It wasn't THAT bad, but still. It was really bittersweet and (not gonna lie) there were definitely some tears. I have so many memories from that house (good & bad), but it just comes down to the fact I know it's just not where I want to be, so I had to go. Living rurally for a year was fun, but it was really hard, too. And thought I am glad that I had that experience, I was very ready to move on. 

Because the idea that teachers have the whole summer off is kind of laughable. :) I spent lottsss of hours getting things ready for this year.
^ oh and I spent quite a few days in training, too.
^ my friend the bear at a school in White Salmon. I wish my school had a bear in the entry hall.

Lots and lots of time with friends. Outside happy hours- there is nothing better. Nothing. 

'Tis the season! I bought 20 pounds of tomatoes, and then with all the tomatoes from my Dad's garden I got 12 pints of tomato sauce. 

^ & in my TINY kitchen. 

^some of those are blue jars which make the sauce look brown, but it's really beautiful red:) 

After looottssss of cleaning, I gave my keys back & said goodbye to my country house.

Yes, it's true, the baby of the family is going to be the first married! After being initially depressed (after all, I am the oldest girl and currently single) I got over it & am now super excited for the wedding, which is in about 2 months. In Vegas.  I am beyond happy for the happy couple & know the weekend will be amazing. 

The only limitation was the dress had to be gray. I have yet to finalize what I am going to wear, since I have to buy something off the rack and don't have time to order it, but whatever. 

I will post more/better photos of my new place later, but here are a few photos of my new little house, still not all the way settled in, but everyday it's a little closer :)

I don't always wear my amazing 90's outfit, but when I do I look fabulouuusss!

& that pretty much was August! I can not believe it's September already. 

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