Tapteal Greenway Charity Night

Posted on 10/22/2013

My cousin is on the board of directors for a charity, the Tapteal Greenway, in her hometown that is big on conservationism, which is kinda her thing. She's a hippie.... Saturday night was a benefit to raise money for lots of their projects- they're currently trying to pass a bond so that they can get $11/year from tax payers for conservationism in the local community ($11 dollars well spent, I would say). We all went to support her, and also for the charity auction. 

 ^I kept joking that she looked like Bindi Erwin...she totally does.
 ^ photo bombing much!? haha

 ^ We didn't win the raffle, but it would have been AWESOME if we had.
^Happy donors with their goodies. (Balsamic vinegar and a ton of cards for Dutch Bros!!)

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