Last weekend, I went down to San Diego for MLK weekend. Some of my favorite people ever (we met in college) live there, I was soooooo excited. (Also, my ticket was insanely cheap, so that was exciting too.)
My flight meant I had to get up at 4am, but it was worth it because I landed at 9am Saturday! Kyle picked me up. Love him!
^ I made him take me to Starbucks immediately, where we paid with 3 gift cards and some change. Stay classy, San Diego. (sorry, I couldn't help myself)
Then, we went to Caroline and Bryce's and went on a hike-
^yeah we hiked that, naturally!
^ two of my favorite people!
^ me & Caroline!
^blue steel
It was so amazing to be wearing a short sleeve t-shirt. LOVE it.
Later that night, Caroline had to work :( so I went out with C & B and some of their friends. It was such a good time! (Even if I had to wear a long sleeved shirt).
^me & B / this is what happens when boys take your phone
^later that night, I rocked a hat / pouted when the frozen ice cream place was closed!
But don't worry, we ended with this AMAZING place (I can't ever remember what it is called, something with a bear or something?) where you get to pick what kind of cookie you want, and ice cream and then you make your own ice cream sandwich. I know!!!! it's the best ever. I wish I knew who thought it up, so we could be friends.
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