March 2014

Posted on 3/19/2014

Tuesday after work I went with a friend to hike to Aldrich's a quick 4 mile hike, but after Monday cross fit I was HURTING. Plus we didn't start hiking till almost 5, and I was scared we were going to have to hike down in the dark so I was trying to go fast. But it was all on old roads and it was pretty brutal.
It was, as always, worth it.
This was the first ridge- super cool and pretty - but the best was yet to come!!

This was the 2nd ridge line, which is behind an old house that was used when construction on the Bonneville Dam was happening. I guess to see how far along they were? 

Yes, I made my friend take about a billion pictures of me. He is a good sport, thanks friend - if you're reading this. Sorry you lost the bet. :(

  1. I love the picture of the forest with all the street straight trees.

  2. I swear you post these pictures to give your mom a heart attack!--Donna
