The first week of May had 80* weather... and one day after work my friend Elaine and I decided to hike Angels Rest- a 5 mile loop that is on our drive home...making our commute amazing in sunny weather (although less amazing -one totaled car later- in the winter!!)
We actually have a game we play sometimes where we will text each other what we think the morning/afternoon beautiful-ness rating is-out of ten. Tens are rare (reserved for sunsets with colors, mostly) but there are a lot of 7/10's, we are lucky to have such a beautiful commute.
I love that we started this at 5pm! I love that it is sunny till 830! I love summer so much!!
^ a rare picture of Elaine & I that isn't a selfie!
After the hike we ended (as usual) with hamburgers and drinks. Such a tease for summer! I am so ready. Something like 23 days left, and I can't wait. I have a great summer planned, it's going to be epic! I think I am sneaking in one extra trip that I am REALLY excited about... but I don't want to jinx myself, so I won't share details, yet.
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