After a long day of travel, we are here! After a 4 hour layover in Vancouver, BC which was the nicest airport I have been in in a while, and a 9 and a half hour flight (we flew Condor, which is the "budget" airline, and we were slightly concerned that it would be miserable but the flight was great and we saved a bunch of money!) we got to Wiesbaden!
It's so pretty, and the weather was great.
We went out to dinner with Emma, who used to be Josh's upstairs neighbor, till she moved. It was great having her in Josh's building when I needed girl time, but her new apartment is supposedly pretty swanky, so I am excited to check that one out, too! (Even if I will miss the proximity!)
After dinner, we went on a long walk, and Josh told me "none of this is out of the ordinary, look! No one is taking pictures but you. You look like a tourist!" But whatever.... I am a tourist. And it's so pretty!

Today we are relaxing (Mom and I both woke up at 4 am) and going to a market later. Dinner is in the crock pot, and Josh has some "projects" for us to do (hanging pictures and things like that). Mom is taking a nap, but I am determined to stay up all day and beat the jet lag. We'll see. The German-USA game is Thursday night, so that's a pretty big incentive to be on local time.... and see that palace above? They are having a huge viewing there, and I really want to go (if Josh can get off work in time, they only admit the first 5,000 people). But even if I can't watch it projected onto a palace (tough life), literally every single restaurant has a tv playing the games.... you can really watch the games while just walking down the street because there are that many. It's awesome.
(It goes without saying that we are both PSYCHED to be back with Josh! We even skyped with Dad yesterday, which is as close as this family gets to a reunion. We haven't all been together since June of 2011!)