june 2014 | usa-germany world cup

Posted on 6/27/2014

Yesterday was the FIFA World Cup USA-Germany game .... if you didn't watch, we lost.

But watching Germany win while in Germany was pretty nice. We wore our USA sunglasses, and had an American flag scarf. It was just us, and one other larger group of Americans (who weren't all that nice, really).

This was the view, note the giant church in the background...

Honestly, it was pretty hard to see or understand what was going on in the game. At one point I was sure that America had scored, till the Germany next to me said "no. You didn't. The reaction would be different." Well, then.

After the loss, we got ice cream. Ice cream called spaghetti, that really did look like spaghetti...it was awesome.

Oh, and Josh is totally channeling his inner Tony Perkins here (before the game started, he was riding his bike home from work). 

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