We drove to Oslo, and stopped here for lunch.
After eating on a blanket next to the lake, we walked around it a little bit before getting back on the road.
There is a camp ground next to this lake that I would LOVE to camp at! The water wasn't even that cold (or so I heard).
That afternoon we went to see the famous Viking ships! There are three, all found at different times. This one was found in a farmers field in the early 1900's, and reconstructed. Most of it is original.... it was the burial place of two women, but it's not super clear who they were. Lots of people think it was a rich woman, and maybe a slave but no one knows for sure.
The ships were HUGE.
Josh bought this shield, and I got an ice cream cone.
My family is from Norway, and this trip made me want to read so much more about the history. I took a class in college -Scandinavia: 900-1500, the hardest class ever! It seems like all the Kings had the same name and the boundaries of the countries were always changing!!.... I am definitely going to pick up some books when I get back for summer reading! :)
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