December 30th 2012

Posted on 12/31/2012

My parents strapped me to skis and left me in ski school when I was about 5, so I have been hesitant to try snowboarding (because I don't actually remember learning how to ski and everyone in the world who snowboards says learning is a very painful and sore process).
However, this year my Dad surprised my Mom and I both with snowboards and the full set up for Christmas... so I was a tiny bit more interested in maybe learning how. Then my friend Elaine and I were talking and she also wanted to learn how, and it was a done deal, we decided to take lessons together.
I'm sure we could not have picked a more perfect day. Actually, I kept looking up at the mtn, thinking how great a ski day it would have been, but I committed to learning to snowboard!!! So I will, or die trying -more likely break and arm or something, really.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Our instructor told us to use the force to get the board to do what we wanted it to do. I'm sad to say, the force is weak in me! I did manage to get to the bottom with out falling by the end of the day but I am pretty sore and have some nice bruises to show for it.
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On the bright side it was literally the most perfect day at the mountain that you could hope for, so it was a good day to be learning something new.

Saturday night I went to Lauren's to cross stitch an iPhone cover (yes, you read that right).  I made one for our friend Mackenzie, here was the finished product, I was pretty proud, cross stitching is harder then it looks that's for sure!
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December 29th 2012

Posted on 12/29/2012

Only 3 more days of winter break, I have been loving every minute of it. Please, please winter break, won't you last forever???

Long walks with my Mom.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App A christmas present for my car, a ski rack!!
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Brunch with friends.
Lauren, Elaine and I went to Irving Street Kitchen, which had been the top pick for "Lauren & Anna's Search for Portland's best brunch" last summer HOWEVER they took my favorite menu item away!!!! The search for my new favorite brunch place now has to begin again which is tragic.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Drinks with friends.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone AppUploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Family dinner. 
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2013 to-do list

Posted on 12/28/2012

I know that it's early, but here is my list. I always make lists of things I want to do but I thought that it would be fun to share mine this year & see how I actually do. Also, I don't want to call this "resolutions" because these aren't new things, for the most part, mostly they are just things I want to do more of :)

► leave work every day at 4
I am pretty good about contract day ends at 3:20, & I usually can scheduling morning meetings as opposed to afternoon ones. When I stay at work till whole afternoon is gone & by the time I get home I am a useless lump. I hate getting up early, but I hate staying late even more. Finding a good work/life balance also makes me a much better, calmer, happier teacher.

► walk 12 miles a week & do yoga once a week
I live in the most beautiful place, and sometimes think don't even enjoy it! I want to get out & walk around a lot more then I have been. I think having an actual goal for miles will help me :) Yoga makes me so calm & relaxed... something I need more of in my life. The closest yoga studio to me is a half hour away, but I need to make it a priority!

► stop drinking soda & milk
I have wanted to do this for awhile. Time to take the leap :) I am not giving up sparkling water though... I love that too much. As far as milk, for no real reason it really grosses me out. (Seriously, this is not some hippie thing!) I don't drink much of it anyways (I love almond milk instead) but I really want to stop drinking it all together (basically in my lattes I get at work).

► read a book (every other) week
Even though I love to read, it is easy for me to just read for work (educational journals anyone? Wicked long IEPs?) & when I get home just sit down and watch Law & Order, instead of getting a book. This is pathetic especially since I literally live across the street from the local library.

► quilt more
I haven't quilted in so long, just because there was nothing that I felt I really wanted to make....thanks to pinerest I am once again inspired to quilt! I feel that I need to make this quilt.... & maybe this one, too. :)

► spend more time in the kitchen :)
It's hard for me to justify baking, since I live alone but I miss it! I want to bake things I can make and then freeze to eat later.
Some things on my list are:
english muffins done! You can read about it here.
hummus & pitas  (I have tried both in the past, but I want to get really good at them)
homemade pop tarts  done! I made them, you can read about it here.
Oh and I really want to try to infuse my own vodka
Also, I want to eat more soups. Some on my list: 
tortilla soup
clam chowder
chicken chili
split pea soup
corn and bacon chowder
broccoli and cheese

PS I will be (hopefully) documenting fulfilling all these items on this blog... wish me luck. xo

December 25th 2012

Posted on 12/26/2012

december 24th 2012

Posted on 12/25/2012

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December 23rd 2012

Posted on 12/24/2012

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December 22nd 2012

Posted on 12/22/2012

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