We drove home Thursday afternoon, trying to make it to our book club (we didn't, we are doing it today instead). The Gorge is so beautiful in the summer!! On the way home we went to Stevenson and the desks for my classroom were being delivered. :) I think I am almost done cleaning and organizing it...finally. I hope to be done before Colorado, next week, but we'll see.

We made up the book club the next day. It was nice out (kind of) and we went walking & talked about the book. This little guy came along. He is the cutest, happiest baby on the planet as far as I am concerned. I don't want to post ten million picture of him...but I could I probably have that many... but here is one that I can't resist

Uhm yeah. Everyone is obsessed with this little boy (with good reason). :) xo
We made up the book club the next day. It was nice out (kind of) and we went walking & talked about the book. This little guy came along. He is the cutest, happiest baby on the planet as far as I am concerned. I don't want to post ten million picture of him...but I could I probably have that many... but here is one that I can't resist