Lauren and I have been trying to find the most hipster places to eat brunch in Portland. This certainly beat our last brunch place (Irving Street Grill, I think it was called) which played Will Smith and had AMAZING food. This weeks place had no Will Smith and no good food. However it was more hipster.
The bathroom was even worse, it was like someone bought a whole old barn and shoved it in one 5ft by 5ft bathroom. And there were individual cloth towels to dry your hands with which I have never seen before... this place is the clear winner for hipsterness, but the food was so disgusting I basically paid $12 for half an egg and a piece of toast.
I did a catering thing, but before relaxed at Starbucks and read The Princess Academy, which is this weeks book club book! It's AMAZING. I don't want to put it down. I may not be able to stop at chapter 13.
Monday I went to Stevenson with my Mom.... Beautiful, as usual. Also I love the cute random things I always see there. I am still pretty charmed by it, I hope it lasts awhile :)
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