My grad school group- love them.
Now that we are masters we have hoods! :) Also funky sleeves.
There were SO MANY people graduating I could not believe it!!! Just everyone walking in & being seated took FOURTY minutes. Luckily my friend Greg hooked up my parents and Lauren with VIP tickets so they could sit close, because some people were so high up :( Naturally one of the student speakers casually mentioned how he had been in federal prison for three years for crimes related to environmental activism... only in Portland.
& I think this picture better displays how I spent my time getting ready-
Congrats!!! You've got to love that the more prestigious the degree, the goofier the outfit. The guy saying he had been in prison for environmental activism is something I could see happening here in Boulder. So funny! I love these liberal tree hugging towns. Congrats again! You are a stud!