I decided to try to can a small batch of tomatoes just to see if I could do it before buying a lot of them to can. So I just bought 4 pounds, which I figured would be about 3 pints.
They were really pretty on the outside.
I boiled them for 30 seconds to get the skin to come off easier (which it did, it was really easy to peel off the skin!)
I wasn't totally thrilled with how they looked at this point. Apparently outside appearances can be deceiving because I knew I would have to cut off all the yellow pieces from the tomatoes before I could can them... :(
At this point the kitchen was SO MESSY- thank God my Mom wasn't home she would have had a fit.
Then I cut them into chunks, got them to a boil & put them into my hot cans, then into my water bath for 45 mins...
and VIOLA! Canned tomatoes!
I think they are SO BEAUTIFUL (I have no idea how they taste). They weren't HARD, but time consuming. I think if I had done twice or three times the amount I would have felt more successful since the work/clean up would have been about the same but I would have got more then 3 pints! Still I am happy & plan on canning more tomatoes ASAP!
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