Today Lauren was super nice and finally gave into my demands :) which means she came out to see my house in Stevenson & we went to brunch. Brunch was super good- I'm super happy that I have a nice brunch place!!
After delicious brunch we walked around town and went to the cute little bookstore-

Then we went walking down by the river and there was a kite boarding competition!! Some of these kids were like 9!! Insane.

I really want to learn to windsurf, it's totally on my to do list!
My house is still totally in progress, but coming along nicely. It's been fun doing the more of "finishing things" as opposed to "moving heavy furniture" things. :)
Here are my bookshelves in the living room-
And when you first come in -I love this grouping of paintings!! The first is from one of my Mom's previous students, the middle 2 I did in High School artistic I am clearly not! Someone asked me what the bottom on was. It's a mountain, for the record- and the last 2 I got in Morocco for really cheap. Oh also, note the cute bamboo plant! Caroline gave it to me as a housewarming gift :)
& my kitchen. The frame above the sink is actually a pillow case framed (also from Morocco).
Here is the second, back bedroom-
I love this owl cross stitch, I got it for $2.50!
& the "main" bedroom-
The biggest deal is the shelves in the bathroom, my Dad helped me hang them. He's the best! I am so happy to have them up!!
After delicious brunch we walked around town and went to the cute little bookstore-
Then we went walking down by the river and there was a kite boarding competition!! Some of these kids were like 9!! Insane.
I really want to learn to windsurf, it's totally on my to do list!
My house is still totally in progress, but coming along nicely. It's been fun doing the more of "finishing things" as opposed to "moving heavy furniture" things. :)
Here are my bookshelves in the living room-
& my kitchen. The frame above the sink is actually a pillow case framed (also from Morocco).
Here is the second, back bedroom-
I love this owl cross stitch, I got it for $2.50!
& the "main" bedroom-
The biggest deal is the shelves in the bathroom, my Dad helped me hang them. He's the best! I am so happy to have them up!!
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