January 4th 2012

Posted on 1/04/2013

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Really an ice day, but who is splitting hairs :) :) :)

Last night I was in Portland for a dinner with some friends from grad school- so I just stayed the night at my parents, and woke up to a call saying it was a snow day. Oh, happy day :)
(We make up all our snow days though, so I will be less excited later.)
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I have been obsessed with green smoothies lately. It's very Portland of me, I know but they are SO good. I made some for my parents this morning, they were less convinced that they're the best thing ever. They do look disgusting (before and after). But they taste SO GOOD.
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I went to brunch with my friend Aireanne, to Mother's Bistro... I love Mother's Bistro. I tried to eat all of this, but I could only eat like half. So good... yum yum yum.
Then I did a little snow day celebration shopping :)
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Annndddd holiday cards! We're just a little late on this. That's typical for my family :)
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