I lived in Utah from 2005-2007. Recently I was looking through my old pictures, and thought it would be fun to share them again. Honestly, I spent the majority of my time living in Utah at Snowbasin, I mean really I went 6 days a week (Saturdays were too busy, that was the "rest" day) for 2 years. I spent wayyy more time there then I did at college, that's for sure (still graduated in 4 years....okay 4 and a half years.... holla!).
This was a shoot up above Strawberry that we called banana shoot... I have no clue if it has a real name or not, and no idea why we called it that. All season I flat refused to ski it because it scared me (I have no idea why THIS was the line for me, I skied down a lot of insane stuff-like take off your skis and hike stuff- but apparently this was my limit for some reason). Of course I finally got talked into it in spring when it was a bad combination of ice, slush and moguls, but whatever. I remember thinking I was going to diiieeee but obviously I did not and when I made it to the bottom a bunch of people even applauded! hahaha
The view down, my boyfriend at the time actually took this picture, I can tell by the skis :)

Gorgeous, right?! Another time my friend Kelly came to visit and we taught her how to ski powder! It was so fun. Also, ridiculous that we were like "whatever, just come any day and there will be powder"- I mean it's insane. Utah is just crazy and being a college ski bum when you're skiing while everyone is working makes you pretty spoiled. I remember feeling like I was the only person on the mountain, and getting so mad when we had to share a gondola with some tourists (we usually got our own though because we knew all the lifties, though, or we would just slam the gondola door in people's faces, really nice of us).
That's actually Kelly- I had LOTS of falls, and some really spectacular (like the time I tumbled down the men's Olympic downhill), but this particular one wasn't me :)
Most people now are shocked when I tell them I lived like a ski bum, but it's true, I really was!! Stacked all my classes on two days/took online classes, worked nights at a bowling alley so I could ski every second I could, and ate ramen quite a bit to afford it all. It was only for two years- then I was over it and ready to move on- but still. Looking back it was an amazing two years. Really, everyone should get a chance to be a skim bum at least once in their lives.
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