august 2014 | tunnel falls hike 1 / 3

Posted on 8/05/2014

Joe and I decided to do an overnight hike to Tunnel Falls, and after a late morning start (totally my fault, I had gone out the night before!) we left at about noon. I had been about three miles down the trial, so the start wasn't new to me, and was pretty crowded with people going to Punchbowl Falls. Once you got past that (2 miles) it was much less crowded which was nice.

It was so hot I convinced Joe to swim, even though he's not a huge fan.
He jumped in, but it was shallow so I didn't. The water was pretty cold and there were fish.... I hate fish. But it was great to cool off.

 ^ I love waterproof cameras because you just never know what you're gonna get! 

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