august 2014 | Tunnel Falls Hike Part 3 / 3

Posted on 8/05/2014

After the waterfalls there are a bunch of places to camp, most were pretty empty ... it was a Monday night after all.  But we managed to find this one:

 ^ can you spot our tent?

I laid around while Joe made dinner and wondered why trees don't grow straight...

and walked around the river near our campsite :

I was pretty unsure about this meal Joe brought, specifically this meat:
 but it was great! I can't say the same for the pasta thing we had, though. 

This was the view from the tent ... not too bad :

The next morning, the sun didn't wake us up at all (which was nice!). Joe made coffee and another dehydrated breakfast egg omelet thing that was also pretty good. Basically, I got spoiled being cooked for on this trip and doing nothing. Joe even bought all the food before hand, so literally all I did was show up (late!), it was great. My Dad had even gotten me a Life Straw so I didn't have to worry about water.

I convinced Joe one last swim would be a great idea, but it wasn't. Because it was really cold.

One last look at all the falls and we headed back.

We both agreed that it was great to hike and not be rained on the entire time -our June trip it rained the ENTIRE time, literally every minute it felt like. So another backpacking trip is in the works that sounds like it should be awesome. Next week is my last week before work starts, so I have to get everything in! I am not at all ready to go back, but I have had a great summer so it's hard to complain. 

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