May 2015 | Lewis & Clark, day 1 / 5

Posted on 6/02/2015

Lewis & Clark | day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | day 4 | day 5
Three years ago, my students started talking about this class called "Lewis & Clark". I was a new teacher, totally clueless and it was months before I realized how awesome the class was. Now, three years later I was lucky enough to get to be a part of it! The deal is this : every other year juniors + seniors at the high school can take a class where they spend the whole year learning about the Lewis & Clark journey, and at the end of the year they take a five day long trip : paddling from Beacon Rock to Astoria, roughly 125ish miles.
Amazing, right?
Naturally I have been angling to get to chaperone this trip since I heard about it, and this year was my chance!
^ I never looked this clean or cute again.
We woke up earrrly Saturday to try and leave by 7am, just 60 kids, maybe 20 chaperones paddling and 12ish support boats : can you even imagine the logistics of planning this trip? Insane. So impressed with what the teachers who teach the class do to make this happen for the kids.

I don't think any of us were really ready or knew what we were in for when we pushed off, honestly. But day 1 (from Beacon Rock to just before the 205 bridge) was a shorter day, we weren't tired yet, and it was really cool paddling by Cape Horn -which was really impressive.

NOTE: I tried to only post pictures with no students faces (for obvious reasons) but if you recognize a kid, let me know so I can remove the picture!

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