may 2015 | lewis & clark day 5 / 5

Posted on 6/08/2015

YAY! The final day. Such a great trip - but I think everyone was so excited to be done. Little did we know we were in for (in my opinion) the longest, most miserable day yet. It wasn't the weather, which wasn't bad - lightly raining, cloudy, so no kids were tempted to tip anyone. It wasn't really the lack of pretty scenery - it was super pretty. I think it was the overall feeling of just wanting to be home. All I could think about was how badly I  wanted to take a shower and sleep in my bed, and eat a hamburger. (I ended up getting wings instead, not a bad choice either.)
This day lasted approximately forever. The boat people kept telling us it was around the corner, and then it wouldn't be, and I would get so frustrated...... repeat that about 20 times. Needless to say, it felt like a very long day.

Like some kind of miracle the sun came out RIGHT as we finished and we all pulled into the dock. It seemed like a somewhat anti-climactic finish - a lot of people had their parents picking them up, but Josh and I just loaded our kayak into a friends boat and drove away into the sunset (aka we all slept on the way home).
And that was it. 125 miles in 5 days, done!

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