After falling asleep at 7:30pm the night before, we were ready to get on the water by 7am. The first thing we went under was the 205 bridge, which is h u g e. The pillars are gigantic. It was early Sunday morning, and there wasn't much traffic - it was really cool to see. Right after that we paddled thru the marinas and houseboats - some of them cheered for us! It was sweet. Can you imagine the sight of all the kayaks and boats going thru? We are like a small armada :)
Later in the afternoon the weather cleared up, which meant the kids were all about tipping over people, all adults included. Best to get it over with early, right?! It was really fun, and since it was sunny not such a huge deal. What was a big deal was getting the water out of our sit in kayak.... nightmare.
^ SUN!

That night we camped in St. Helens, which was adorable (and definitely on my "must go back to" list.)
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