October 4th

Posted on 10/07/2012

Every Friday since school started (six weeks ago, which is insane!!) two other SpEd teacher and I have been trying new local places to eat and talk about our week. This week, we all had other Friday plans & it worked well to meet on Thursday instead. So the elementary SpEd teacher and I headed over to White Salmon to meet up with the new middle school SpEd teacher --together we could serve kids K-21, I think it's funny that we are all at different levels!
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White Salmon is really cute and apparently REALLY into their name. The town is a lot like where I live (except they are way closer to a large town-Hood River...it's large because it has fast food and a WalMart): one little street full of cute little stores.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Loved this little bookstore. And the combination liquor store/ hunting license store:
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We ate at a cute little place (there are only cute little places in White Salmon, actually). 
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App And on our way out of town couldn't help by stop to stare and wonder what is going on in this mural. We couldn't even think of one likely suggestion. Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Also, we have no idea why the city hall looks like it was transplanted out of It's A Small World: Germany style.
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Oh, & THIS is why the gorge is a national scenic area-
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So beautiful. I do love my new town.

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