December, so far 2013

Posted on 12/06/2013

^ Whenever my Mom goes out of town, my Dad and I always plan sushi dates, since my Mom hates it and we both love it. I love our special lunch dates! :)

I went to see my friend Aireanne & her husbands new house!! I thought I was lost, but really I wasn't.... still the drive there was beautiful, and her new house is so cute! She is officially my most "grown up" friend- married AND a house? Grown up status. Plus her adorable two dogs.

I got to babysit for one of my friends this week! Naturally I invited my Mom to come, too. She broke out the educational games, of course! He is such an adorable, well behaved and smart little boy.
 ^He wanted to cuddle. My heart melts. And he even WANTED to read. Seriously... he's amazing.

I went to see The Moth at the schnitz this week. I am pretty sure it was recorded for the was a more depressing one- but still good. The host told the funniest/best story ever, I want to go to a moth that is just HIM! I maybeeeee teared up once. I had plans with a friend, but she got sick and ended up going with one of her friends, instead. Lucky me I got a cookie and a drink from him! It was fun :) I have a serious wish to tell a story for The Moth! I think I have a lot of ridiculous stories, unfortunately most of them involve my insane dating life, which I think is kind pathetic/ overplayed.

Today was officially the first day (of many, I am sure) where I thought I was going to die driving to work. Oh, 1-5 in the gorge I love/hate you. That terrifying moment when you're not sure if you're sliding all over the road due to the wind or the ice... 
But the weather was slightly better in the afternoon, and I HAD to stop at Multnomah Falls.  Even though my toes went numb and my cheeks, too!!
Happy weekend! :)

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