It was my Aunt Zina's 48th birthday this weekend and we decided to meet in Hood River (between her house and my parents house) for the weekend to celebrate. It was a great idea since about 15 minutes outside Portland it became beautiful and sunny instead of the cloudy rainy weather that has been been happening all week.

We got the most adorable and delicious cupcakes from Bella Cupcakes to celebrate how cute are they?? Also... sooo good :)

We decided to go on a hike that was rated "fairly easy" in my Mom's hiking book, Curious Gorge, but the author's definition of easy is definitely different then ours... because it ended up being 3 miles straight up and we all thought we were going to die of heat exhaustion. We also only brought one water bottle. It was still really fun though. And the view at the top was gorgeous!

Hood River is a really cute town too. I have never really visited it before, only driven through or maybe stopped for lunch. We found a ton of thrift stores and I couldn't help myself. I LOVE old children's books. They are SO cool I could not resist buying a big stack- they were all only a quarter. I bought like 20.... I just have to hide them from any guys I date or they will think I am a total baby crazy freak-I'm not really, I just love books!

Sunday morning we went on a little hike before breakfast and found this rock staircase with these gravestones. It was really strange but very cool.

After breakfast we went on another hike/walk (that's #3, if you're counting...) along the river.

It was such a fun weekend! I do love my family.
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