Fabulous Fasching

Posted on 2/17/2012

I was lucky enough to be in Germany with Josh for Fashing (which actually last 5 days this weekend, and ends Monday). Fasching (also called Karnival in some places) is basically like German halloween, but with out all the skin tight costumes- it seems to be more about fun. I saw so many lady bugs, bunnys, etc - all dressed up in the giant animal costumes it was awesome! It's also fun because (it seems like to me) everyone gets really into it: young people, old people: everyone is dressed up and having a good time.
I had been dragging my feet all this week on getting a costume because I had decided I wanted to be a pilgrim and I didn't really know how to make that happen. But (like magic) I was talking to my brothers upstairs neighbor/ my friend Emma about it and she said "actually...I don't know if you know this about me or not, but I do historical reenactments on the weekends for fun" (how awesome is that?!) and pulled out a totally awesome revolutionary war outfit that I wore. It was perfect!
There will definetly be more Fasching posts, then I am leaving for Paris on Tuesday! Yay!! I am very excited (and somewhat nervous) to start my next trip... it will be the first time I am traveling "alone" - well kind of. I traveled alone in Korea, but had the amazing Kelly and Mark to stay with at nights. But it will definitely be my first time flying RyanAir, (which I have heard is quite the adventure in itself!) and my first time staying in hostels with out someone else. So it should get interesting! :)

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