Since Gaudi is pretty much THE Barcelona architect his buildings are EVERYWHERE. They definitely have a distinct style, you can point them out and be pretty sure it's a Gaudi. I had never heard of Gaudi before going to Barcelona but I certainly heard about his while I was there (I went on a Gaudi walking tour). Basically, what I took from it was he was an architect with a super distinct style -obviously- and he lucked out when he met Eusbui Gruell who really liked his style and happened to be super rich as well. Gruell was such a huge fan he gave Gaudi free reign and enough money to basically do whatever he wanted (like create Gruell Park). Without Gruell, Gaudi may never have gotten off the ground, which leads me to this plee:
are you rich? do you want to create works of art you don't have to design yourself? Contact me, I am willing to help you create :)
ANYWAY. There is tons more Gaudi architecture thruout Barcelona, like this apartment building that was like a block away from my hostel-
And this house that was also right down the street-The super bad thing is that since Gaudi worked for private individuals, all his buildings are still held by private individuals which means all the buildings/ museums about him and his work are ridiculously expensive. Because of that I never went into one of his buildings, which kinda sucks, I would have liked to but ultimately I could not force myself to spend the $25+ for ONE thing.
And, of course, the Sagrada Familia Temple...which was Gaudi's final project... it was only 25% complete when he died in 1925 and it's still not complete today. Initially private donors put up the money for it, but now it's the construction is financed by ticket sales, which means tickets are around $25...which means I did NOT go inside.
It's cool, but not my cup of tea. I thought it looked like a giant, melting candle. I took this picture from google, which I think gives a better overall look of the building-
It's pretty crazy looking.... I will have to go back to Barcelona in 2028- when construction is supposed to be completed! Only 100+ years of construction...not too bad.
Also while walking around I saw this cute NON-Gaudi building and I could not resist-
Why is the owl on top of the building? I don't know but I think it's adorable!
And, all the street are painted with this-
Which I am pretty sure means if you step out into traffic you will die-and I believe it the drivers there are not messing around, the traffic is terrifying.
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