Herculaneum has some cool villas, and this was one of the best, it's called the Sannite House. It was origionally a private home, but when it was covered in mud was a hotel/ rich people apartment complex apparently. I have no idea how archeologists are able to figure this out, kudos to them for being amazing history detectives!
one of the carvings on the wall-
I was also able to go into the Agustali Seat, which was a sort of temple in the city for merchants-
And naturally there were some bath houses in the city, too-
This house is called the Neptune House, thanks to this fireplace and fresco combo-
Overall I loved Herculaneum, the feel was very different from Pompeii and it was well worth the visit!!
Huh who knew? I never even knew this place existed. I hate history, but I think that it is actually interesting that the two cities were preserved in different ways.